Jam Jar addiction…

I think I am addicted to Jam Jars. It doesn’t matter how big or small, round or square, even hexagonal  whether I need them or not, I have to keep them.

Some I do use, I put candles inside for a rustic but romantic way to light my garden. Some I use in my sewing room to store my chalk, crochet hooks and random buttons I have fallen in love with. But the worrying ones are the ones I don’t even like, I don’t even need… I sometimes don’t even get round to cleaning out… they just sit by the kitchen sink as ammunition for Mitchell to ask that question which I cringe away from every time it is asked… “What exactly are you saving these jars for? Are you honestly going to use them?”  to which I engulf him in an array of reasons and elaborate crafts which he will, of course, benefit from.

Which he will, of course, never benefit from.

My name is Jessica and I am a jar-o-holic…